Monday, November 30, 2009

The Day After

It’s just one of those things you never contemplate. You’ve been to a concert, hyped by your mates all day then things get a little wack.
My mate Mitch was spotted like this during his
Splendour Bender this year:  

And my faves from uni managed to score matching Southern Cross tats during Village which wouldn’t scrub off for a long while (I cannot confirm nor deny also parading around with a matching tat that day). 
Then how about those kids that never want the festival to end? 

All I know is, this is me after one massive day

*No dinosaurs were harmed in the making of this blog

Top Festival Tips

There is no such thing as being too prepared when it comes to heading to your fave festival.
I chatted with my festival going friends and accumulated the top tips for ensuring a happy festival day/night.

Tip 1
Have a buddy. It’s always fun to head to the festivals in packs however if separated from your pack, you could end up a little bit upset and lost. Before the big day, think long and hard about who you love spending hours with. Then talk to this person and discuss being buddies. It sounds lame but on the day, you’ll be grateful to know that one person is looking out for you and vice versa.

Tip 2
Carry a sturdy strapped bag. Avoid the dangers of your bag breaking on you by ensuring it has a thick strap. Why not try a bum bag? All conveniently located on your waist, there’s no chance of your bag getting lost or in the way!

Tip 3
Pack a pocket pack of tissues. Nothing is more stressful than queuing up for hours at the scungy port-a-loos, knowing you’re potentially missing an unreal set by the most awesome DJ’s than finally getting into that green cubicle to find no toilet paper. Use sparingly.

Tip 4
Slip, slop, slap. No, I’m not your mother, I’m just thinking of the day after. Nobody likes to be sunburnt, particularly when it’s in a tee. Avoid those tacky singlet marks by smothering yourself in the sun cream before heading to the day’s festivities. You’ll be thanking me the next day, I promise.

Tip 5
Pack the night before. Tickets? Check! Camera? Check! I.D? Check! In the excitement of the morning of, you’re bound to forget something vital. Avoid this by packing the night before. Even if you do forget to pack something, you’re bound to remember it by the very next morning before you head off rather than when you get to the festival and can’t get in.