Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Cut Copy - Zonoscope

The third album from Australian synth-pop sensations Cut Copy has once again got the emotions flying from tension to relaxation in audiences worldwide.
Listening to Zonoscope while trapped in a black and white office immediately pulls your mind to the weekend – road tripping along the coast with beauty, colours, relaxation, short shorts and your hair down. Perfectly sequencing the first half of the album, you begin your journey with the increasing tensions of “Need to Know” until you reach a purifying climax all within the fun loving beat of the track. Naturally you then progress to “Take Me Over” which is so easy to sing along to with your feet up and sun in your eyes. This track literally takes over your senses and the Bee Gees style guitar licks making you want to find the closest dance floor. The reverberating of “Where I’m Going” easily puts a smile on your face and is followed by the incredibly colourful mid-80s feel of “Pharaoh’s & Pyramids” which prepares you for “Blink and You’ll Miss a Revolution”. This song is hands down the highlight of the album. The highs, the lows, the catchy ostinato in the chorus and then you’re back to the mystic feel of the bridge. This is best 4 minutes you must have on any playlist of the summer.
The dramatic change in rhythm beginning with “Strange Nostalgia for the Future” begins a downward spiral for the album. It’s a very different feel and pace to the first half however I have no doubt in my mind tracks such as “Corner of the Sky” will be dynamite in a live situation, ramping the crowd up with the incredibly clever various speeds of the vamp riff.
Ending the album with the 15 minute long Sun God starts out interesting and spiritual however eventually plateaus into repetitive nothingness with your brain truly wandering to chores of the day. Could simply be our generation and our lack of concentration, or could be a sign that the track is just too long?

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