Thursday, December 17, 2009

2009: Year Of The Regroup

While listening to John Butler Trio’s new single ”One Way Road”, I found myself pondering what makes a band decide to keep pushing on after members go through “creative differences” and leave. Not a musician myself makes this hard to fathom.

Many bands go through the grueling divorce that can result in the end of an era however 2009 was the year of not giving up but rather Regrouping

In April 2009,
John Butler announced that bass player Shannon Birchall and drummer Michael Barker were to depart from the group. Together since 2003, John Butler wasted no time in replacing and moving on with the announcement of bassist Byron Luiters and drummer Nicky Bomba in June of this year. Looking back on the history though, this isn’t the first reshuffle these guys have done. What would happen if John Butler left John Butler Trio? What would happen if they added another member? Would they rename to become John Butler Quartet?

But don’t judge John. He isn’t the only one!
Chili Peppers have gone through an abundance of different band members due to death and destruction. Anthony Kiedis talks about the song writing process and how it differentiates between different members in his book ”Scar Tissue".

Then don’t forget Wolfmother
’s regroup with the original trio of Andrew Stockdale, Chris Ross and Myles Heskett transforming into similar sounding new band comprising of Andrew Stockdale, Ian Peres, Aidan Nemeth and Dave Atkins stating
"irreconcilable personal and musical differences,"
 for the departure.

I want to know... How do you feel about bands ripping apart and being glued back together with new members? Does it hurt a little? Do you feel as though your parents have divorced? Tell me about it!

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